roland winters in Chinese
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- roland
- n. 1.罗兰〔男子名〕。 2.勇士罗兰〔与奥利佛 (Oliver) 各为查理大帝手下十二勇士之一〕;〔比喻〕勇将。 短语和例子 a Roland for an Oliver 旗鼓相当;势均力敌。
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- dean winters
- 迪恩・文特斯
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- richard winters
- 理查德温特斯; 理查德特斯
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- stalingrad winters
- 史达林格勒之冬
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What is the meaning of roland winters in Chinese and how to say roland winters in Chinese? roland winters Chinese meaning, roland winters的中文,roland winters的中文,roland winters的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by